Radical Growth

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Radical growth Stack


  • Dramatic Gains - Adding RADICAL lets you increase muscle mass, build strength and add stamina with impressive results
  • All the Gains, None Of The Negatives. - Unlike anabolic steroids RADICAL has a 90:1 anabolic ratio giving you incredible, focussed muscle growth without the negative androgenic effects of anabolics.
  • Not A Steroid - While these are often compared to steroids due to their anabolic similarity, RADICAL gives you the benefits of steroids, without being one.
  • More prompt recovery
  • Can be stacked– Whilst it is a stirling solo product, those more versed and experienced may wish to combine with other products
  • Accelerated Fat Loss

Ibutamoren (also known as ibutamoren mesylate or MK-677), promotes the secretion of the growth hormone (GH) and increases insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)

Ibutamoren increases levels, by mimicking the action of the hormone ghrelin , and binding to one of the ghrelin receptors in the brain ). Activated ghrelin receptors stimulates growth hormone release from the brain.

Benefits of increased GH and IGF-1 include:

. Increased bone turnover and eventually bone density
. Improved sleep quality and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep duration.
. Reduced Muscle Wasting
. Increased muscle mass
. Reduced fat mass
. Possible healing of tendons, joints and ligaments

Nutrition Facts Per Cap


(R)-1-(2-MethylallanylO-Benzyl-D-Seryl)-1-(Methylsulfonyl)-1,2-Dihydrospiro( in-dole3,4-piperidine) - 




Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Pete A
Great product

TWP never fail on quality of product.

Within 2 weeks noticeable strength and size gains. No negative side effects for me and you do not lose much after. Very impressed.

Nicholas Roberts

I got the rad140/MK677 stack and I absolutely love it. This is my third stack of this now. I’ll be buying more and more. I’ve bought a lot of products from here now and like them all. Give us a sponsor please 😂

Lucas Mcdonald
Works a treat

I believe this is perfect for those of you that have hit a wall or struggle to eat mass amounts of food this will give you the hunger of a bear, since taking these I can eat probably double the amount id normally eat would highly recommend as long as your gonna put in the work

M ali
2 weeks In - 5KG Growth

I have used TWP prpducts couple years back namely MK677 and Rad 140 and worked great. However this Rdical growth product by TWP is so the best on yet. I take one tablet in the morning and one after my workout in the late noon. I see noticeable difference in muscle mass, growth and my overall strength. Be wary that you may feel a lot hungrier when taking these and make sure you drink plenty of water even though you may feel bloated. I have another 2 weeks left until a 8 week break but u have amassed a 5kg weight gain in less than 2 weeks, admittedly not all muscle mass gain as I am doing a bulk phase. All in all, I recommend thus far.

Noticeable strength increase
Weight gain and growth

Increased appetite

Radical Growth

Been using these for 2 weeks now, and not felt or seen anything change, so not sure they are any good.